Unicorn Healing®

Book your Unicorn Healing Session

Unicorns are here to help us to take inspired and motivated action on our sacred mission here on Earth.​

And just like everyone has Angel guides who are here to help support and comfort them, everyone has one or more Unicorn guides to help to align them with their path and purpose.

Unicorn Healing® is a beautiful modality. It is different each time, and is tailored to your specific energy on that day. It can clear blocks, release heavy and dense energies, as well as empower positive aspects. Different unicorn lineages will show up for the healing, based on what is needed.

I can even help you to meet your own personal Unicorn guide, along with their name and lineage.

I will admit that when I first heard of Unicorn Healing, I thought it was very woo woo and strange.... but then I experienced it for myself, and realized how transformative and life-changing it really is.

Unicorn Healing® has quickly become one of my favorite healing modalities. Sessions are one hour long.

You can book your Unicorn Healing Session here